Yes, I know your position that all arguments for a belief in God are false and weak, cofty.
Christ Alone
JoinedPosts by Christ Alone
How Modern Christianity has failed Christians
by Christ Alone ini've recently been thinking about our culture and how christianity in our western culture has failed to keep up with advancements in science.
) churches have let reason sink into the intellectual closet of fundamentalism.
"feel good" churches seem to be the norm today.
How Modern Christianity has failed Christians
by Christ Alone ini've recently been thinking about our culture and how christianity in our western culture has failed to keep up with advancements in science.
) churches have let reason sink into the intellectual closet of fundamentalism.
"feel good" churches seem to be the norm today.
Christ Alone
Cofty, I thought you left because a pastor at your church died and you couldn't understand how God could allow that...if he was "good" (by whoevers standard that is)
How Modern Christianity has failed Christians
by Christ Alone ini've recently been thinking about our culture and how christianity in our western culture has failed to keep up with advancements in science.
) churches have let reason sink into the intellectual closet of fundamentalism.
"feel good" churches seem to be the norm today.
Christ Alone
Deputy, no discouragement from you! I think that no matter how intellectual our arguments, they will always sound foolish to the world. But our faith SHOULD be reasonable. We should be able to give a reason to those that ask one of us. (1Pet 3:15) If we just claim that faith and belief is glorious and does not need to be reasonable, then we will never be able to give an answer, especially in our post modern culture. It is only the Holy Spirit that helps a non Christian to open their mind to the truth of the Gospel. Not a person. However, many times God's Spirit works through sound apologetic arguments to help a non believer see the reason in belief. There are those, who are plentiful on this site, that will not believe no matter what sound arguments are given. But there is a reason why faith is what pleases God, and not a boasting over our own wisdom.
How Modern Christianity has failed Christians
by Christ Alone ini've recently been thinking about our culture and how christianity in our western culture has failed to keep up with advancements in science.
) churches have let reason sink into the intellectual closet of fundamentalism.
"feel good" churches seem to be the norm today.
Christ Alone
Getting specific on "atheist" definitions, are we bohm? Not to start this again, but atheism has it's implications, and Dawkins desire (and effectiveness) in spreading his ideas about a belief in God causes me to call him a leading atheist thinker. Sorry if I did not term it in a way that you approve of. But I think everyone knows what I was talking about.
How Modern Christianity has failed Christians
by Christ Alone ini've recently been thinking about our culture and how christianity in our western culture has failed to keep up with advancements in science.
) churches have let reason sink into the intellectual closet of fundamentalism.
"feel good" churches seem to be the norm today.
Christ Alone
Dawkins is a debater and has debated several people. And I haven't heard WLC debate creationism except as it relates to there being a God that creates. Nothing that refers to young earth or fundamentalism. I'm not saying that he hasn't. But I've never seen it.
How Modern Christianity has failed Christians
by Christ Alone ini've recently been thinking about our culture and how christianity in our western culture has failed to keep up with advancements in science.
) churches have let reason sink into the intellectual closet of fundamentalism.
"feel good" churches seem to be the norm today.
Christ Alone
Yeah...I've gotta hand that one to you, bohm. Pretty painful...
How Modern Christianity has failed Christians
by Christ Alone ini've recently been thinking about our culture and how christianity in our western culture has failed to keep up with advancements in science.
) churches have let reason sink into the intellectual closet of fundamentalism.
"feel good" churches seem to be the norm today.
Christ Alone
Cofty, you're funny. You really hate this guy! :-) Is it because he baggs on your personal hero?
Why the drama?
I just pause because Dawkins is THE leading atheist mind in the world. And in my opinion William Lane Craig is one of the best Christian Philosophers in the world. Dawkins has debated lesser known bishops and such. It just seems like an obvious debate. Hitchens v Craig was an obvious debate and I enjoyed it. I also enjoyed the Harris debate. Maybe Dawkins doesn't think he has any arguments to add to the debates that have already been given. I'm not sure.
How Modern Christianity has failed Christians
by Christ Alone ini've recently been thinking about our culture and how christianity in our western culture has failed to keep up with advancements in science.
) churches have let reason sink into the intellectual closet of fundamentalism.
"feel good" churches seem to be the norm today.
Christ Alone
That wouldn't be Dawkins reason. WLC is as heavy a hitter as an apologist comes. He's debated Hitchens, Harris, Flew, Dennett, Krauss, Ehrman, etc. It's just speculation, but I can't help but wonder if Dawkins feels he would look as foolish as Hitchens did. I like Hitchens. But he clearly lost the debate.
The only reason I can find that Dawkins gave for not debating Craig was that it "would look great on your CV, not so good on mine." He later said that he was too busy and that WLC only claim to fame was that he was a creationist and Dawkins wouldn't waste his time. Sounds like a cop out to me.
Dawkins actually looks worse for not debating someone as heavy as WLC. On the date that they were supposed to debate and Dawkins backed out, Craig carried on anyway and had some interesting comments on it not looking good on Dawkins CV, and then proceded to debate Dawkins by means of his book in abstentia:
It even appears that one of Dawkins' atheist friends is accusing Dawkins of being a coward for not debating WLC.
How Modern Christianity has failed Christians
by Christ Alone ini've recently been thinking about our culture and how christianity in our western culture has failed to keep up with advancements in science.
) churches have let reason sink into the intellectual closet of fundamentalism.
"feel good" churches seem to be the norm today.
Christ Alone
Ok, did some research on this Loftus guy, and it was interesting. From what I gather, in 1985 WLC told him that it would be inappropriate for him to debate a fromer student of his. It seems that this made Loftus pretty angry. He's posted all over his site that WLC is too afraid to debate him, which seems ridiculous that WLC would be afraid to debate this guy after debating bigger heavy hitters.
It also appears that the "reasons" Loftus gives for WLC not debating him were that Craig doesn't think it woudl be good for Loftus spiritually, that Loftus is not qualified, or that Craig doesn't want to turn Loftus into "Mr. Anti Christian Apologist." But all these reasons are given by Loftus himself based on secondhand statements.
Sounds like Loftus is just throwing a tisy fit because he's not heavy enough for WLC to debate.
How Modern Christianity has failed Christians
by Christ Alone ini've recently been thinking about our culture and how christianity in our western culture has failed to keep up with advancements in science.
) churches have let reason sink into the intellectual closet of fundamentalism.
"feel good" churches seem to be the norm today.
Christ Alone
Christ Alone: WLC also refuse to debate eg. John Loftus, your critisism need to go both ways.
Sure, it should. But I'd never heard of this. As far as I was aware, WLC was willing to debate anyone. Why wouldn't he debate Loftus? Actually, I'm not sure of who Loftus is anyway. Is he anyone of note that would be worth debating? I'm not sure why WLC would debate men like Hitchens and Harris, and then be afraid to debate an unknown...